Silent installation of eToken

When installing eToken silently, administrators can use standard msiexec parameters and the following optional parameters:

  • WEBSERVICE="https://server.address/secusign/default.asmx" (server web-service address)

  • WSUSER="WebServiceUserName"

  • WSPASS="WebServiceUserPassword"

  • ETOKENRUNNINGMESSAGE="0" (disables notification for a running eToken instance),
    "1" (enables notification for a running eToken instance – default)

  • ETOKENAUTOLOGIN="1" (enables automatic login when eToken starts),
    "0" (disables automatic login when eToken starts – default).

  • ETOKENAUTOSTART="1" (enables running eToken automatically after computer starts),
    "0" (disables running eToken automatically – default)

  • ETOKENAUTOLOGOUT="lock" (automatically logs out of eToken when computer is locked),
    "sleep" (automatically logs out of eToken when going to sleep mode),
    "restart" (automatically logs out of eToken after a restart),
    "signerclosed" (automatically logs out of eToken when exiting Signer),
    "10m", "1h", "1d" (automatically logs out of eToken after 10 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day),
    "never" (disable automatic logging out of eToken – default)

  • PINCACHE="1" (enables cache to remember the PIN),
    “0“ (disables cache to remember the PIN – default)

  • PINCACHELIFETIME="1" (sets the expiry for cache to remember PIN to 1 min – allows values between 1-60)

  • PROXY="0" (user’s choice – default),
    "1" (do not use),
    "2" (use system proxy),
    "3" (use as specified).
    If PROXY="3" is set, the following parameters must be set too:

  • PROXYURL="http://proxy.server.address/"

  • PROXYUSER="ProxyUserName"

  • PROXYPASS="ProxyUserPassword"

  • REBOOT="Force", "Suppress", "ReallySuppress" (see Microsoft documentation for the description of the parameter’s values).

An example of silent installation:

msiexec /i "eToken.msi" /q AGREETOLICENSE=yes ALLUSERS=1




